Sunday, March 13, 2011


Dalam sesi RS tadi we touched a bit on death; how it is something that we cant predict and can come in whatever form, whenever. Saidina Ali once said orang yang bijak tu orang yang selalu mengingati mati. Huu. Look around you, what do you see?

Meh kite ambik kisah tsunami recently kat Jepun as iktibar and peringatan. Bak kata housemate saya, why Japan? sedangkan diorang negara yang paling equipped sekali untuk menghadapi such disaster, paling advance sekali technology-wise. Tapi bila Allah datangkan bencana, technology setinggi mana pun still tak mampu nak menahan air tu from sweeping the whole city in seconds. This just comes to show that no matter how prepared you are, no matter how hebat your inventions are, tiada apa yang dapat mengalahkan kuasa Allah.

Kita hanya mampu merancang. Allah yang menentukan. Death can come whenever, wherever. Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah.. Mari berdoa untuk the people in Japan..

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Somebody put a really sweet note in my pocket today. She wrote;

"Struggle to achieve Allah's LOVE. Either it is small or big, He is always counting"

Uhuk uhuk terharu :')